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61 farms found in Tiroler Unterland (from 3576)

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View of Kitzbühel

Carefree days on a holiday farm – the Tyrolean lowlands offer exactly that

The Tyrolean Unterland is the name given to the eastern part of North Tyrol , where well-known places such as Wörgl and Kitzbühel can be found. The region's landscape, characterized by high mountains and many forests, has everything to make a vacation truly relaxing. If you decide on a relaxing farm holiday , nothing stands in the way of a few unforgettable days . In particular, the Wilder Kaiser mountain range and the impressive Kitzbühel Alps make the Tyrolean lowlands a paradise for alpinists and offer attractive leisure opportunities in both summer and winter.

The Tyrolean lowlands – top-class sights

Between Mayrhofen and Kufstein, two very interesting places in the region, you will find many attractions for the whole family . No matter whether you and your loved ones are drawn to nature or culture is on the agenda, there is a lot to discover in the Tyrolean lowlands.

The numerous gorges in the area, for example, have a great fascination for young and old. Because taking in the impressive surroundings of a gorge means understanding what power water can have.

If you would like to learn about the customs and traditions of the region during your stay on a holiday farm in the Tyrolean lowlands, a visit to one of the local glass blowing factories is a good idea. A trip to the open-air museum, where you can visit various Tyrolean farmhouses from the last centuries, is also very educational.

Natural experiences of a special quality – that’s what the region stands for

But even if you are primarily planning an active holiday, you are in good hands in the Tyrolean lowlands at any time of the year. In summer you can go hiking there excellently and you will find many interesting hiking routes that offer you breathtaking views of the paradisiacal mountains in this part of Austria.

In winter, however , there are numerous slopes available for you to dare to take on rapid descents with your skis or snowboard. If you like to enjoy picturesque winter landscapes up close, but skiing is too action-packed for you, you can also switch to one of the many local trails and leave the stress of everyday life behind you with cross-country skiing.

Farms in the Tyrolean lowlands are happy to host you

Picturesque farms with lots of animals and owners who love their region. If that's exactly what you're looking for, you've come to the right place in the northeastern part of Tyrol.

A farm holiday is not boring . On the contrary. No matter whether you look over your hosts' shoulders as they do their daily work or use the holiday farm you have chosen primarily as a base for your personal active holiday , there is a lot to discover on a holiday farm.

A very interesting way to experience something of the region's culinary habits during a farm holiday is to book a farm with meals. Because if you do this, you can be sure that outstanding specialties await you.

Regardless of whether you want to spend a few nice days with your children or a romantic vacation is in order, a farm holiday is unforgettable.

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